M y k a M o r t o n

Arch(etype) Angel: This is a STEAM art piece I created with the help of a $2000 grant I received from Arts Enterprise Laboratory. I coded using Arduino to make this mixed-media piece spin. It is now being exhibited at Roseark Gallery in Los Angeles, CA. Artist statement below.
Arch(etype) Angel
Mixed Media.
In the Bible, Seraphim are described as petrifying ethereal entities with several eyes, wings and other mysterious features. Yet, today if you give a human form a pair of white wings, people will call her an angel. My intention with creating Arch(etype) Angel was not biblical accuracy or a cliche portrayal. Partially retaining the Bible's eerie description of angels while adding elements of the contemporary angel's beauty is my attempt to show how time fabricates beauty in certain aspects of life while tarnishing it in others.
As cultures evolve, I see certain aspects of life's purpose diminish while new exposures blossom. This harsh reality is that as the world's problems resolve, new ones are constantly emerging. While the world evolves in this manner, having a higher entity to lean on must be beneficial and beautiful; to allow you to overcome the difficulties. Although I am not religious, a part of me envies having something to worship and devote myself towards.
This project was made possible with the support of a grant by Arts Enterprise Laboratory.
Other Works

Smoker's Melanosis - Acrylic Painting, 2022. 2 x 3 ft.
(Sold at Melissa Morgan Fine Arts Gallery, El Paseo, CA).
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